Capoeira Comes to Brooklyn

A circle, or roda, forms around two Capoeira players as they move to the drum beat, their fast fluid movements and swift kicks blurring the line between fighting and dance. The players are members of Omulu Capoeira Guanabara, a New York City based Capoeira group that meets regularly to train and teach others about the art of Capoeira.

Developed in Brazil by decedents of African slaves, Capoeira combines martial arts, music and athletics. Today, enthusiasts practice the art all over the globe.

Omulu Capoeira Guanabara recently opened location in Brooklyn at the Trilock School in Fort Greene. With its regular class schedule focused entirely on beginners, the Capoeira players at the Brooklyn location are focused on introducing Capoeira to the community.

Manouela Koudounis, 36, has been training for five years. Now, as a teacher at the new Brooklyn location, she is able share her passion for the art by teaching it to others. At a free open house, Koudounis provided some background on Capoeira and led participants through basic Capoeira movements.

Omulu Capoeira Guanabara Brooklyn from Christine Streich on Vimeo.