Gibson: More Than Just a Guitar

Emanuel Gibson at home with his guitar. (Photo: Christine Streich)

Brooklyn may have a reputation for being home to fledgling musicians, but Clinton Hill resident Emanuel Gibson, 28, isn’t just another wannabe rockstar.  It may be a coincidence that he shares his surname with a world famous guitar company, but Gibson’s golden voice and skilled guitar-playing fingers would make the Gibson Guitar Corporation proud to share its name.

A former Wall Street financier and journalism graduate student, Gibson had many alternative career opportunities.  Yet he knew he would never be content unless he followed his passion for playing music.

(Photo: Christine Streich)

Gibson uses shrewd business skills and savvy networking to break into the New York scene, performing and producing live shows throughout the city.

Nov. 18, 2011 -- Emanuel Gibson performs at The Production Lounge in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, with drummer Kota Mori and basist Maria Takeuchi. (Photo: Christine Streich)

His debut album, The Yellow Van, will be completed in December.

Emanuel Gibson, Brooklyn Musician from Christine Streich on Vimeo.

1 thought on “Gibson: More Than Just a Guitar

  1. He sure loves F# and G. I like that you were able to get into his apartment for the audio – keeps it clean. However his interior space is a bit boring for 3 minutes’ worth of video.

    His music’s pretty good, though.

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