Does The Economy Affect Your Sex Life?

They say money is sexy. So then what happens to your bed when the economy collapses?

Obviously it’s harder to take a girl out when you are flat broke. Especially if you are too old school to split the bill. Not to mention the fact that you moved back to your parents’ since you couldn’t find any job after you graduated. And most girls aren’t impressed by basements.

But even for those of you who are involved in a relationship and don’t need to spend their salary in drinks and dinners any more, the economic recession might have been a synonym of sex life recession.

In fact, massive numbers of layoffs, a big drop in the stock market and declining home values are just so many stressors. And while the couple’s worrying about money, mortgage and job stability, sex drives may decrease…

Here’s a short survey that can help me understand how the economy interacts with sex life. Thank you for filling it out!